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Welcome to Your New Dentures!


Below are some tips and tricks when it comes to caring for and understanding your new dentures.


Clean dentures are vital for optimal oral health. Your dentures need to be cleaned every morning, every evening, and rinsed after each meal. A denture brush along with denture toothpaste or a mild soap, is an easy way to remove debris and gently clean your dentures. For stubborn or sticky residue, baking soda is a great solution when used with your denture brush.

Pro tip: Placing a towel under your dentures while cleaning them may provide protection should they slip from your hands.

Dentures should be placed in a denture soaking solution or water when they are not in your mouth. Keeping your dentures moist will prevent them from drying out, which can cause distortion and ill-fitting dentures.

Pro tip: Taking your dentures out at least once a day is a good way to give your gums a rest and prevent sores or irritation.


Eating & chewing: You will likely find that chewing with dentures is very different from chewing with natural teeth. Since your dentures sit on your gums, chewing food on one side of the mouth can cause them to unseat on the opposite side. Using your tongue to divide the food to both sides to chew will help stabilize your dentures.

Speaking: It can take several weeks to get used to speaking with your dentures. Start with reading aloud in private, then when you feel comfortable, ask a close friend or family member to listen to you talk. They will be able to tell you if they can understand what you are saying.

Soreness: All new dentures should be checked for initial sore spots and adjusted by your dentist. Wearing your dentures as instructed by your dentist for the first two weeks is essential and will help determine areas that may need to be adjusted.

Some soreness when you first start wearing your dentures is normal. However, if you notice that the soreness is not going away or is getting worse, take your dentures out and let the area heal. Keep the dentures in a cleaning solution. Rinsing your mouth with a warm saltwater solution (1 tbs. salt in a cup of warm water) can help with the healing process.

NOTE: You should NEVER try to adjust your dentures yourself. Always call your dentist if you feel your dentures need to be adjusted.

Appearance: Reactions from friends and family may vary. Some will notice your new dentures, while others may not, especially if they were made to look like your natural teeth. Remember that you and your dentist selected the best teeth for you to look natural when you smile, talk, and eat.

Repairs: Dentures do break. If this happens to your dentures, please call your dentist and make an appointment for repair. Do NOT try to repair the broken dentures yourself. Place the broken denture pieces in a plastic locking bag with water until your repair appointment.


It is highly recommended that you schedule an annual check-up appointment for your mouth and your dentures. A yearly checkup is an appropriate time to update your dentist with your medical conditions, have your dentures professionally cleaned, and have a thorough examination of your mouth.


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